Privacy Policy

At Kolpor, we prioritize the protection and security of our customers’ personal information. We recognize the significance of personal data and the responsibility that accompanies its collection, storage, and usage. This Privacy Policy aims to provide a clear understanding of the types of personal data we collect, the reasons behind their collection, how we utilize them, and under what circumstances we may share them with others.

Types of Personal Data Collected

We may collect the following types of personal data:

  • Contact Information: Names, mailing addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
  • Payment Information: Credit/debit card details account information.
  • Personal Information: Gender, date of birth, and other demographic data.
  • Order Information: Details pertaining to products purchased from our store.
  • Customer Service Information: Information regarding customer service interactions, including support requests and service tickets.

Purpose of Collecting Personal Data

We collect personal data to provide our customers with a superior shopping experience. 

Some of the ways we utilize personal data include:

  • Order Processing: We use personal data to process orders and ensure the timely delivery of products to our customers.
  • Enhancing Customer Service: Personal data helps us respond to customer support requests and resolve any related issues efficiently.
  • Personalizing the Shopping Experience: By using personal data, we tailor our store to meet the specific preferences of our customers, creating a more personalized shopping experience.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Personal data may be used to send customers promotional offers and advertisements.

Utilization of Personal Data

We employ personal data in the following manners:

  • Order processing and fulfillment.
  • Responding to customer support inquiries and resolving service-related issues.
  • Personalizing our store to provide customers with a more customized shopping experience.
  • Sending customers promotional offers and advertisements.

Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties

We may share personal data with the following types of third parties:

  • Service Providers: Personal data may be shared with service providers who assist us in delivering our services. For instance, we may share personal data with payment processors to facilitate payment processing.
  • Business Partners: We may collaborate with business partners and share personal data for marketing and advertising purposes.
  • Legal Compliance: Personal data may be disclosed if required by law or to comply with legal requests.

Data Security

We take data security seriously and have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard personal data against unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, damage, alteration, or disclosure.

Retention of Personal Data

We retain personal data for as long as necessary to provide our services or as required by law.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may periodically update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our data practices. In the event of material changes, we will provide notice through our store or other legally required means.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy or the use of your personal data, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We are here to assist you.